Draigoch the Great.
Some people have condemned use of the Dragon arguing that after the Slaying of Smaug by Bard all the Dragons are extinct, this is not true there were just no Dragons mentioned after Smaug. Gandalf hiself said that there were no Dragons left with breath hot enough to destroy the One Ring implying there were some still in perhaps the Withered Heath slumbering waiting to be woken to erupt on another killing and pillaging spree.
I believe it is silly to read so deeply into Tolkiens Lore especially where Games are concerened at the end of the day Games are for fun and not to be judged like the Books or Movies, remember Lord of the Rings Movie was changed in vast amounts a lot being left out and characters changed and look how that did.

Draigoch spewing Flame from Mouth.
We at Middle earth News are defiantley optomistic about the release and think it will do well. Just enjoy it
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